PANELISTS - Strengthening Alumni Networks and Enhancing Graduate Employability

Dr. Norazharuddin Shah bin Abdullah (aka NSA) — University Lecturer, School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Director, Center of Alumni, Career and Graduate Employability
NSA has served as a University Lecturer at the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), since January 2011. Other than being an academic and a Chartered Engineer (CEng, MIChemE) with strong research/consultancy interests, NSA has also shown passion in student development and higher education since his undergraduate years. An advocate for teaching quality and student excellence, NSA believes that training should not be limited only to classroom syllabi and structured curricular activities, and that research excellence should not be confused with leadership. At the cellular level of the university he aspires to be the person providing different learning experience, plus providing support to the university in areas other than teaching and learning.
Andy Coxall - Chief Executive, Common Purpose Student Experiences UK
As Chief Executive of Student Experiences, Andy oversees partnerships with universities globally, currently numbering 90 universities and 11 of the top 30 in the world including Harvard, Chicago, Kings College London, National University of Singapore and University of Hong Kong. He also oversees corporate partnerships with organisations such as BP, Santander and Expedia, and with youth organisations such as the All-China Youth Federation, Westpac Scholars and Commonwealth Scholars. Andy also speaks extensively on developing the next generation of leaders, from international education conferences such as EAIE, Going Global, QS to convenings such as TEDx London.

Dr. Wanamina Bostan Ali - Alumni, Victoria University Melbourne and Director, MBA International, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Dr. Wanamina is affiliated with the Faculty of Management Sciences as Director of the MBA International Program at Thailand’s Prince of Songkla University. From 2015-2017, she was an instructor at Dusit Thani College in Bangkok. While pursuing her doctorate at Victoria University (VU) in Melbourne, Australia, Dr. Wanamina held various leadership positions including President of VU International Student Association. She is active in her community, professional associations as well as in community and industry events, often serving as a guest speaker, trainer, emcee or moderator.

Shane Dillon - Founder and CEO, C-Turtle Vietnam
Shane Dillon is an EdTech entrepreneur focused on international education and international alumni engagement through employment. He is the founder of Cturtle (said "sea turtle") - an exclusive employment network for returnee international students, graduates and alumni across ASEAN and Greater China with over 400,000+ alumni members and UniAdvisor an international study destination comparison and review platform with over 30,000+ reviews.

Jane Teh - President, Curtin Alumni Malaysian Chapter
Jane Teh’s consulting and training practice focuses on entrepreneurship, various soft skills, business networking, referral marketing and salesmanship for clients like INSKEN, MARA, CIDB and Khazanah. She is currently President of Curtin University Alumni for the Malaysian Chapter and was Vice President of Education and Welfare for the Malaysian Australian Alumni Council (MAAC). She has lectured in Business Ethics and Corporate Citizenship and has developed a Diploma Spa Management for BERJAYA University of Hospitality.